Thursday, July 10, 2008

Damn Mr. Messy Jesse......can we stop the black on black hate?

Dear Mr. Messy Jesse Jackson,

When I first heard about the comment you made about Obama I can't really say I was too shocked. I guess it is because I'm use to the fact that black people are constantly being hated against and brought down by our own kind. So when I heard about the comment you made saying that you wanted to "Cut Obama's Nuts Off" I really wasn't shocked but just a little confused on why you would go so far and say something as crude and hurtful. I searched online and looked at various news sites and I kept reading the same reasoning. You believed Obama was “talking down to black people,” remarking on recent speeches the Illinois senator made about fathers taking care of their children. Okay let me get this straight because Obama has the guts to talk to his people about a serious problem affecting our community you decided to attack him in a vulgar and crude way? Was that really the reason or did Obama hit a soft spot when he spoke about how many black men have not done their job and how many of them have neglected their responsibilities? Did his speech bring back some bad memories for you? Or did it make you think of the child you had out of wedlock? Did it make you feel like he was talking to you? Did he make you feel guilty?
I'm sure you won't answer this letter or any of my questions but judging from the comment you made I really don't need a response from you. All I can say is that we as "black people" have it hard enough trying to elevate ourselves on a daily basis and it always seems to be our own people that try to bring us down. But again I'm not surprised just a little confused.

on another note you might want to think about cutting your own nuts off ..This way you can't make anymore children out of wedlock..Mr. Messy Jesse!!