Friday, May 16, 2008


A few days removed from the Sean Bell verdict and it seems like there is no mention of it in the paper or in the media. Reverened Wright (Obama's Pastor) seems to be the only negro the media has time to focus on and we all know the reasons behind that but what I am more confused about is the lack of response from the Hip -Hop community or as we call them the Rappers.... .yeah you know the cats that spit about busting their gats and how they murk people for a living, the dudes that rhyme about how gangster they are and so on and so on... when the shots were fired and the smoke has cleared where are they? There have been a few who have come out to speak on this issue (like the Commons, Mos Defs, David Banner ... damn even Game put out a song speaking on this injustice) but a majority of the "Rappers" seem to be real quiet about the issue. Maybe it's because the issue of police brutality....shit I mean murder and execution of another young black man is too complicated for them to spit about. They would rather beef amongst each other or put out a diss track about no-name basketball player (yeah talking about you Hova) or maybe its because these rappers today just SUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK. I'm not that old but I remember a time where MC's rhymed about issues that were affecting us as a people..You had Brand Nubian, Leaders of the new school, KRS one, Public Enemy even under ground groups like Group Home touched on various issues and problems that we faced. But not everyone that has the power to spit about something that matters or put a voice out and let the masses know that we aren't going to stand for the problems we face are quiet. I guess these rappers are only busting gats when it comes to hip-hop beef or if they need get on smack DVD...because when the smoke clears and the shots are fired they are no where to be seen. I'm not a mad rapper just mad at rap...Dear Mr. Rapper YOU SUCK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after reading the whole thing a few coments about barack obama onlt ludcris and nas have talked about him but immortal tecniqe said somthing i could feal

in his song 3rd would he says
"and you cna have a black prisdent but he's usslese becuase he does not controlll the econmy stupid"

whitch is how i feal anyway as for rap right now if they did rap about them who would buy there albums? you me and krs one that's it. they have to make music that sells not msusic with meaning

by the way my smart dude talk about this do you think it is helping hip-hop ior hurting hip-hop tha t the old school emcees are spending the majority of ther etime dising the new school? i got to tell you it's like fighting fire with angary gassolien you dig? dising the new school so far as i have noticed is actuly causing the newerg enaeratiosn to ahte the old school i'm not kidding a 9 yere old kid who lsitines to eveyr CD out there(his parnests let him listin to music and stuff) said "man funk ice-t he's corney and old" that's where the old school is now. sence they are more conccerned abotu basshing what is imstead of changeing it or atleast trying to get out there and make a hige qaulity music there speding it dising the new school.

that it is

mikesholler27(my email at yahoo and my name on youtube hit me up dude)