Friday, January 8, 2010

"Either you slangin' rock or you got a wicked jump-shot"

Just when you thought you heard it all about athletes with guns, the "Plax" incident isn't even a year old yet and now we have this. Everyone give a nice warm welcome to the newest star "Athlete" or should I say "Idiot" Mr. Gilbert Arenas. Gilbert Arenas must not pay attention to the news or maybe he missed the entire Plaxico Burress case. Maybe he just thought that bringing guns into a locker room wasn't that serious. Maybe he thought that when his coach told him to work on his shot that he meant his "gun" shot. Or maybe he just didn't give a fluck and thought that his prank would be looked upon as some hilarious joke ala MTV "punked". Well Mr. Arenas I am here to tell you that you were wrong, not only was it not funny but once again you made the "Black Athlete" look bad. I hate to bring race into the picture but it is what it is. When you are black and getting paid millions of dollars you have a larger magnifying glass on you compared to the regular 9-5 brother or any person to that matter. I don't knock any Athlete for owning guns because after all it is one of the freedoms of our nation but only when you do it legally and when you aren't brandishing it at your place of employment in an attempt to be funny. Now Mr. Arenas will forever be known as the real Mr. Big Shot and he will probably never play basketball again but no worries Mr.Arenas you can always get a job at a gun shop, I'm sure you would get a great commission.

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